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⏳ time is running out to book The Brain Gym course

This is a superb transformation course. It actively rewires your brain 🧠 and body🤾‍♀️ for Success! 

Early booking deal expires March 18th so apply here now…. 

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Change your brain and your thinking so that you can change, adapt, respond, learn, move forwards and achieve the goals that you set for yourself in living, in sports, education 

Some people attend for themselves and others attend to learn Brain Gym so that they can bring it home to their children, to the children in their school or to use with those they care for.

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Whatever your reason for attending you will be surprised at how much your seeing, hearing, reading, self expression, self confidence….

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and improvements in your ability to follow directions, read maps and signs as well as a significant improvement in your driving skills. These skills are not taught in the course but as your brain and body become more connected inside while using Brain Gym  activities many positive changes will take place in a ripple effect that upgrades many seemingly unrelated areas of your performance!

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Anyone 14 years old or over may attend. As the course is easy to follow and does not ask you to memorise anything, read a book or sit an exam, no previous experience of using your brain is required!!   

Even if you feel you have forgotten how to learn, or to remember,  then this course will suit you as it will be easy and practical. 

Here is the course format I use to ensure you understand, learn and can use Brain Gym efficiently and effectively.

Step 1, I demonstrate with somebody how we can make positive changes to  for example the way we see. 

Step 2, Then you copy what I did with a partner and already you are making similar changes possible for them. 

Step 3, Then you swap over and they help you to make the changes. 

Step 4, Everybody gets to experience the psi tics changes and then we move on to the next item. 

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The course covers 

1 Switching your attitude and mindset from negative and sceptical or scared to positive,  in under 10 minutes.

2 Making positive changes to the way we see, observe, read, remember and understand what we have read.

3 Making positive changes to the way that we listen, pay attention, calculate, spell, remember what we have heard and pick out the important information from a story.

4 Making positive changes to the way we express ourselves in words, in actions,  in creative and functional writing, in typing , texting and handwriting.

5 Making real and lasting changes to the way the brain and the body are connected up inside so that you can switch on your coordination, think more easily and enjoy a whole new level of ease and success  using your whole brain and body rather than being restricted to your dominant hand,  eye, leg or brain area.  Once experienced this opens up new possibilities and abilities in even the most blocked of people so that they can live, move learn and have fun in new and more rewarding ways. 

6. Making positive changes to the way you communicate your thoughts, ideas and opinions so that it is easier to talk to others, chat with strangers, give presentations, ace interviews and give speeches at public events.

7. Making positive changes to the way your brain and body are organised so that you become more tidy, organised and efficient. Many find themselves quickly and easily decluttering their brains, their homes, their businesses and their lives once they have learned Brain Gym .

8. Making positive changes to your levels of concentration, focus and the understanding you have in different situations so that you can quickly spot easier and more efficient ways to solve problems, read situations and see things from a wider perspective. This means that you  you are able to make good decisions and to respond positively with a deeper understanding of the bigger picture where you would previously have reacted badly. 

9.  Integrating all that you know with all that you are learning so that you can confidently and competently glide through your work, study, housework, accounts or what ever tasks you are facing.  

Only 10 places available so if you think you would like to attend then book a free no obligation call with me and let us see if this course suits you. Booking closes Shortly and a late booking fee applies thereafter.

‏ u will be surprised at how much your seeing, hearing, reading, self expression, self confidence….

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